The most Important ANAGRAM for business?

The most Important ANAGRAM for business?

We’ve all heard of anagrams, words or phrases that when their letters are rearranged form a different word or phrase. The use of anagrams was a big factor in the DaVinci Code and the first Harry Potter book and movie. It is silly to think that the Mona Lisa and Voldemort would be useful anagrams in a business context. But let’s look at a more appropriate anagram – LISTEN.

Listening is a crucial part of business, especially if you do consulting work as I do. To learn and gain knowledge you need to be able to assimilate what others tell you. When acting as a  consultant, we need to hear clearly what our client is telling us about their situation. And what happens if we do not hear properly? Misinterpretation We though we heard and understood, and we missed context and missed clarity

What gets in the way of good listening? Well, a major impediment to good listening is distraction due to noise. Simply put, if we can’t hear properly, we can’t listen properly.

Are you asking yourself, “what is the anagram to the word listen?” If you haven’t figured it out, the word is SILENT. Surprisingly the environment in which it is best to listen is described by its anagram. When WE are silent and do not interrupt someone, who is talking, we can properly listen. Being silent is respectful to the person talking and allows them to properly think and phrase their thoughts. If you interrupt them with questions or comments, they will get sidetracked and potentially not properly follow through on their initial train of thought.

In business, we all know people who like to be heard and constantly interrupt you when you are talking. Let’s be the perfect consultant and be silent and listen. We will get more out of what we hear.

Harvard Business Review published an article “If you want people to listen, Stop talking”. The article talks about a person, George, at a large financial services firm. He was ‘busier in silence than anyone else while speaking’. His intentional actions led him to be the best listener and thus the best contributor to new ideas and solutions. Don’t you want to be like George? I certainly try.

When you need a guide to be silent while you talk about your business issues and challenges of the day, we’re here to listen.

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