The People Paradox

The People Paradox

What do I do now?!  Have you ever felt this way when you found out your best employee ran, not walked, to your competitor?  Or what about the time when you knew a direction in the development plan was exactly what your company needed to do … and then you were faced with your most senior manager stone-walling the path?  So, what do you do now?

Well, if you’re like thousands of other managers and owners who have faced these same challenges; youlook within.  Yes, take a good look at how you manage, treat, support, and accept your people.  Without a clear path to develop and support your best asset – your people – you cannot expect to move at a pace necessary to succeed in today’s business arena.

What do you do?  Let’s start by understanding some fundamental elements of people management.  How often do you communicate directly with your people?  Are you clear and concise in what you say?  How much do you include them in direction-setting of the company or your products?  How often do you spend quality time to understand who they are and what they think about the direction and the path you have set?  If the answer is “not much”, then you have, and will continue to have, a huge people problem.

To create an extraordinary work environment is not difficult.  First, you make sure the way you and others communicate within your four-walls is clear and concise.  Second, make sure you create a culture within your company that is easy to embrace, easy to follow, and is in direct support to let people explore all their talents.  Third, create inclusive-parameters around people involvement.  Get your people to understand they work in an environment that expects change and cherishes new ideas.   This step is the next step to build a dynamic and challenging workplace.  Lastly, managers can be leaders … but first, they must be servants.

I know what you’re thinking, the only word that popped from the page is – servant.  Right?  Well, let’s call it what it is.  If, as a manager, we believe we are in control and are the one’s with the weight of the company on our shoulders, then we’re mistaken.  Every employee is a stakeholder, every employee shoulders the burdens and success of the company, and every employee should be placed in a position where they can bring the best they have to the table.

Being inclusive, supportive, and involved with your team, your department, or with the entire company, is the right path and the most equitable path.  The way you include and support your people will prove they are, in fact – your greatest assets.

If you would like us to help you build a strong, people-as-your-best-asset business, give us a call.

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